Monday, September 23, 2013

Greeting Card Campaign: 9-24 National Punctuation Day

Click here under sarcmark to download the card.
September 24th is National Punctuation Day.  It's not official, but it's certainly grammatical, as far as  holidays go.  National Punctuation Day, the creation of Jeff Rubin, a California-based newsletter editor, celebrates colons (the punctuational variety), commas, exclamation points, periods, quotation marks (open and closed), parentheses, dashes, ellipses, semi-colons and even interrobangs, irony marks, love points,the doubt mark, the sarc mark (indicating sarcasm), the snark mark (for snarky comments), the acclamation point and the authority point (which basically means "don't argue about this 'cause I am an expert).  You can look these up here and here to see what some of the more obscure ones look like.              

If you want to know more about punctuation visit the National Punctuation Day website and find out all you need to know about the subject.  In the meantime, send your lady fair a Punctuation Day greeting card. You love her, right?  So tell her with punctuation!

The acclamation point
Just click on the caption below the picture of the sarcmark. The link will take you to a pdf file in Google Docs. Remember, instead of printing from Google Docs, click on "File" in the upper left corner, then select "Download" and copy the file to your own computer.  Open it with Adobe PDF Reader or whatever PDF reader you use and print the card from there. For some reason Google Docs doesn't handle fonts well, even though they are supposed to be embedded in the PDF document itself.

This is a top fold card, so when it prints, be sure to tell your printer it's in "portrait" format so you get the whole file. Flip it on the short side to print double-sided. This also flips the inside upside down from the outside when you print in portrait mode, so that, when you fold it over, the inside comes out right-side up.  If you're confused, I encourage you to give it a try with a practice sheet of paper. Just use lots of cool punctuation‼

© 2013 by Tom King

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